More than just a reviews service

Homelessness Training
At Housing Reviews we have become synonymous with providing the most practical training on homelessness related legislation and case law. We are able to do this because, unlike many other training providers, we make the same homelessness decisions that Housing Options Services have to make. We, therefore, have real experience of what it takes to apply the homelessness legislation and case law correctly.
Each course we offer focuses on the practical aspect of making decisions. By the end of every course, officers will have a clear understanding on what are the ‘right’ questions they should ask, what reasonable enquiries they should be making, how to arrive to a reasonable and correct decision and writing a ‘watertight’ decision letter. They will be able to do this irrespective of whether they are investigating homelessness, eligibility, priority need, intentionality, local connection, suitability of accommodation, ending of main duty or writing ‘Mohammed’ letters. On courses such as 'Understanding the Role of a Reviews officer' officers get the opportunity to scrutinise some ‘model’ bad S184/S193 decisions.
On every course each delegate is also given a guided manual to use through the interviewing and decision making process. On courses that relate to making Section 184 and Section 202 decisions delegates receive templates of letters and forms that they require.
We have also designed a unique course in relation to effectively discharging the prevention and relief duties. We have also developed a new course around assessing applications where domestic abuse is the stated reason for homelessness.
Training at Our Venues
We offer a variety of one day, two and three day training courses which are delivered by Zoom. Please visit our 'Upcoming Courses & Events' page to see what courses are currently available.
In-House Training
Most of our training has involved in-house training. We are able to deliver bespoke training as every local authority has different training requirements and we understand the responsibilities of a Housing Options Service. Included in the price is a 3 month service where an officer can ring us up at anytime with any queries relating to the training we have offered. These courses can be delivered face to face or via Zoom, Microsoft Team or Google Meets.
Click on each course we provide for more information: