More than just a reviews service
Time & Location
24 Sept 2020, 13:00
The Leeds Law Society, 62 Wellington St, Leeds LS1 2EE, UK
About the Event
The course aims to assist caseworkers involved in assessing whether applicants are eligible in relation to applications made under Housing Act 1996 by providing them with a practical guide in investigating homeless applications taking into account case law and associated legislation, e.g. the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016. Delegates will learn that there are 4 groups of persons applying for housing and each of their eligibility criteria will be detailed. Delegates will also be able to go through real life eligibility exercises. The course will also provide practical advice on writing ‘Not Eligible’ S184 decision letters and all delegates will receive 5 decision letter templates.
Minos Perdios, Director & Reviews Manager at Housing Reviews Ltd
One Day Update Ticket
£150.00Sale ended